Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Got inspired from my friend Chelsea's blog. I want to express all the things in life that I truly love..

I love-
my new job.
the perfect man in my life.

my amazing mother. A delicious salad. WaTeR. Good music "donovan frankenreiter" especially. Jewelry. WHITE WATCHES.
writing my name over and over again.
dancing to music with my man.


Hearing "I love you" from Justin's kids. A carriage ride around downtown.
popping zits.
cuddling with Jax.

When my dad tells me he loves me.

When my boo holds me tight while I cry on his shoulder. Espresso shots.
Justin's Spaghetti. wearing boots, NeW uNdiEs.
King Crab Legs,

the perfect pair of jeans. taking pictures.
kisses on the forehead.

my family

the beach. mountains. snow. soft rain.

the coldness on my pillow when I flip it over in the middle of the night.
looking at wedding rings.


the color red
my man in a suit.
gum! online shopping.


to know that my brothers would do anything in the world for my safety.

my hair right after I get it done. the day after I go tanning.
girls night out.

my life


  1. Lindsey...SUCH an awesome family pic! How cool! It kind of reminds me of Twilight lol.

  2. Good list. I'm glad you're liking your new job.

  3. Llinds, I am so glad you are doing a blog. I love your list. It makes me happpy that you are happy!

  4. popping zits! hahaha im so with you on that. people just dont understand the satisfaction it brings. you and your man are very cute.

  5. Um I LOVE this post. I may copy it. :)
